About the Hosting Team

We are Britt Burbridge and Sheri Dugan, two single American women who have teamed up to provide member care for ministry workers. After five years of hosting guests in Western Colorado, we followed the Lord’s prompt and moved our oasis to Central Europe.

With our unique backgrounds – a pastor’s kid and missionary (15 years cross cultural experience) and a military third culture kid and Air Force officer- we, combined, have lived in seven countries and three continents, experiencing a variety of contexts and cultures. We have each gone through times of depression, burnout, and restoration. As a result, we have understanding and compassion for those who are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by the burdens of ministry and challenges of cross-cultural living. We want to provide guests with an opportunity to be heard and valued. We invite you to come rest in our rural village and find time to reconnect with the Lord.